Saturday, January 26, 2013

Animal Jam Beta Days

Animal Jam (beta) first started on July 15, 2010. It first started with beta testing before it first launched. A lot of people today want the beta days back because a lot of things were bigger back then. Example: Crystal Sands was A WHOLE LOT BIGGER than it is today. Also, there was a 3 story high den that was for non members too! (members didn't even exist back then- go figure!) And Club Geoz was flipped-flopped around!!

Animal Jam Tags Back Then
Animal Jam tags were wayyy different back then!!! They were a kind of wood solid color. 

The Flower Shop (den shop now) in Coral Canyons
Well, if you play animal jam now, you know that there is a den shop in Coral Canyons from where you first get there and then you go right. Well, back in the beta days, that was not a den shop. It was a flower shop. People could buy all of these cool plants that they could put in there dens!!

No Rares!!
There was no rares back then. Everything was rare-free and everyone could buy them!! Since there are rares today, they were probably from the beta days. 

No Members!!
There were NO members back then! Everyone was treated fairly and they could all get the same items and clothing! Everything was greedy-free because there are a lot of greedy members today in Jamaa. Everyone was a lot nicer, there were no scammers, there were no hackers, and a lot of peaceful places than there are today.

mariec3 on animal jam:) add meee
there will be more about the beta animals on the next post:)

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